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8 Tips to Make Sure Your Squarespace Website Copy Gets Read
Finished writing your website copy and now you’re itching at getting it up and running on your website? First off, kudos to you. That’s an amazing accomplishment! Writing the content for your website can be a very overwhelming process for many. But before you jump over to your Squarespace website, there are a few copywriting and…
How to Add a Squarespace Announcement Bar
Squarespace announcement bars are a great feature to have on your website. If you’re not sure what they are, they are the thin bars that span the full width of a page at the very top of your website. You can choose to enable the announcement bar for a set amount of time or always have it visible. And they serve many different purposes…
How to Format & Upload a Squarespace Banner Image
Whether you want to use Squarespace’s banner capabilities to upload an image or a colored background, this post is for you. If you’re not familiar with banner images and how they’re different from other images you can add inside Squarespace, it’s this: they span the full width of the page. In this post, I’m breaking down how to choose a template…
6 Different Uses for a Squarespace Cover Page
Squarespace cover pages serve many purposes for your business’ website. They’re only very easy to create but they can also be used in various ways. But before we dive in, I want to chat a little bit about what cover pages are and their benefits. What is a cover page? Squarespace cover pages are different from regular pages in that you don’t have…
Getting Started with Squarespace: A Beginner's Guide
Starting a website can be an overwhelming task. That’s why I love recommending Squarespace for solopreneurs. It’s ease of use, drag and drop features and amazing support team make it an amazing platform. This post is going to give you a step-by-step guide of getting started with Squarespace if you’re a beginner. Choose your Squarespace…