My 2024 End of Year Review


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2024…where to begin.

It was an incredibly crazy year, in the best way.

So much happened, and this was the first year I really felt confidence in myself as an entrepreneur and of my business.

Let’s dive in!

Overview of 2024

Left my full time job

For some of you that have been around here a while, you may have heard that the past few years were somewhat rough. Due to events in my personal life, I went back to a job in 2022 only to be laid off after 3 months. Then I was half-in on my business and half-in on job searching. I landed a job with an SEO agency in March 2023 - and left in March of this year.

I really liked my coworkers but I hated my job. I realized a few months in that being an account manager for an SEO agency was not my cup of tea and that I absolutely loved getting to choose my own projects in my business.

But more than that, I am a mission-focused person. I love that with the work I do, I’m helping female owned small businesses who are most commonly personal brands. I see the humanness. And I’ve seen how the impact of my work changes their lives.

The same can not be said about a billion dollar global brand.

And that, my friends, ate at me.

When I took the job, I thought that maybe this was the right path. That maybe entreprenurship wasn’t for me.

But it became abundantly clear soon on that not being able to live out my real passion and mission was detrimental to my mental health.

For a very solid 9 months, I was miserable and transparently felt like I was walking around with smiling depression. There were many times I felt like a failure and a fraud for having gone back to a job and not being able to make my business work.

I did VIP days on Saturdays, and it really lit me up. Usually the last thing you want to do after working 40 hours is to then put in another 10 hours on a weekend. But it was the creative outlet and clientele that made me so happy.

I wanted out of my job asap. I invested in support from an amazing business coach (discussed below), and that really changed the game for me.

When I left my job, it was very much a sign from the universe. I had landed a few clients in early March and then was waiting on a 5 figure contract to come through to give me the launchpad to take the leap once again. Once that did and I put in my notice, I realized my last day at the job was the day I started last year.

I don’t believe in coincidence, so that was magical. Not to mention it was a contract from a business owner I’ve admired for years who brings in $20 million in revenue a year. It was a pinch-me moment for sure.

Had my biggest year in business

Leaving my job wasn’t the only incredible thing that happened.

Not only did I have my biggest year in business, but I also had my biggest month. In August ahead of my 30th birthday, I secured $30K in sales (which was wilddd to say the least).

I landed my first 5 figure contract in Q1, followed by another in Q4.

There was so much to celebrate, but it wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows.

On the other end of the spectrum, I had a month where I made $500 in sales.

I worked many many nights. I put in a few hours most weekends.

(^^both things I’m planning to change in 2025)

2024 was a roller coaster but in the end, I grew so much personally and professionally.

Scope of work

This year, my VIP days really took off!

Here’s a general breakdown of my services:

I also brought in income from digital product sales, ranging from my $7 trip wire to my $497 SEO course.

Marketing my passive income products took a backseat in 2024, but I’m going to focus on it a lot more in 2025.

The best investments I made

I was very selective about my investments this year. I would say that I only had very positive investments (and none that I regretted), so here’s my favorites from the year…

Business coach

At the end of 2021, I had basically sworn off business coaching. I had been burned in the past and felt like I needed a financial reset and a step back from coaching. Thankfully, I took a chance on my former client, Elise Danielle, while simultaneously betting on myself to get out of my 9-5.

I joined her 6 month 10K Mastery Mind program at the end of 2023. This was hands down instrumental in helping me to leave my job, which was my main goal with joining the program.

It gave me so much confidence that I wasn’t missing some secret sauce or pill - I just needed to have more confidence, start showing up differently on social media, and tweak small things here and there in my messaging, operations, team, and other areas of my business. I’ve always struggled to raise my hand on coaching calls in front of 30 people because I didn’t know what questions to ask. I needed someone to hear what was going on for me and to help me find the holes, address them, and help me see another way.

And that’s what Elise did. She’s a mindset and strategy genius, and if you’re looking for a legit business coach, I highly recommend her! She makes her programs intimate so that you really get the attention and support you need for your business to grow! I’ve cried many, many happy tears because of the support I’ve gotten from her.

Hiring Team

I had an assistant for a few years who suddenly stopped communicating, and that was a letdown. But then I hired another virtual assistant and a content writer, and their help has been absolutely incredible.

I can’t say enough about how important getting help is, even if it’s just 10 hours a month. You will realize how much of not only your sanity, but also your brain space you will save by outsourcing mundane tasks like uploading blog posts, scheduling emails, social media graphic creation, analytics reporting, etc.

This year with getting support really pushed me out of my comfort zone because historically, I was very sporadic with my support requests. And I knew that if I wanted to scale my business, I needed to stretch myself.

As a designer, I’m somewhat of a visual perfectionist. And handing off work like social media graphics to help me with my marketing was extremely uncomfortable at first. But I’m so thankful that I started to let go of more and more control and lean into support.

I know how valuable a team is so you can step into more of a strategic CEO role, so I’m glad I finally started to experience this shift in my business where I was moving a lot more off of my plate that I used to take on.

Showit Spark conference

It had been a while since I’d been to a conference, and I’m so happy I made the investment to go to Phoenix in October for Showit Spark.

I’ve been using Showit for years now, and I love the platform! Pstt you can get a free month of Showit here.

There is truly nothing like getting in the room with like-minded people who share a similar passion. I made new friends and met people IRL that I’ve been following on Instagram or have been internet acquaintances with for some time.

In addition to hearing from the founders and employees of Showit, I was able to learn from some successful designers and course creators during presentations and break out sessions.

I bought my ticket for next year and I’m so excited to attend again!

What I’m most proud of

Although I’m celebrating leaving my job and having my biggest year in business since starting this venture in 2017, there is much more behind the scenes that I’m taking stock of:

  • Investing in myself and getting support even though it was scary

  • Staying the course and believing in myself, even though I thought about throwing in the towel multiple times over the past few years

  • Rewriting limiting beliefs and old stories that no longer served me

  • Learning how to set more boundaries 

  • Showing up when it felt super uncomfortable 

  • Letting go of control and investing in team

  • Getting to support such incredible powerhouse women (including many returning clients)

There you have it! That’s my overview of 2024 :) Hope you enjoyed this more personal post and reflection of the past year!


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